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Film Washi D 135/36

Film Washi

Vennligst velg

Sensitivity: 500 ISO
Grain: moderate
Contrast: strong
Production process: industrial coating
Base: Polyester, 75 μm
Spectral sensitivity: Maximum 690 nm
Darkroom safelight: total darkness
Original use: “D” is used by the Russian aerospace industry for generic uses, including military aerial surveillance missions.
Recommended use: When you need high sensitivity and/or small aperture. This film can be pushed at 1600 iso and also be processed as a slide film.


exposure developer dilution time T°C
500 iso Ilfotec LC29 1+19 7 mn 20°C
500 iso Ilfotec RT rapid — 70s 26°C
500 iso Rodinal 1+25 6 mn 20°C
500 iso D-76 1+1 8,5 mn 20°C
500 iso Xtol stock 6,5 mn 20°C

For using with an unlisted developer, you can use, for a 500 iso exposure, times and dilution for Ilford PAN-F at 50 iso.


Loading:Under shadow to avoid light piping effetc: take 3 blank pictures before starting your roll.
Standard sizes: 135 recycled cassette (no DX code) – 36 exp. Use of recycled cassettes is not recommanded with fully
automatic/motorized cameras.

Usage tips:

Being a very thin film, “D” can be delicate to load in processing tanks: you can tape a piece of thicker leader film onto it to make it easier to introduce in the reel.
Tested with JOBO and PATERSON reels.

Film Washi er spesialisert i produksjon av håndlagde filmer og konvertering av indistruelle filmer. Film Washi tilbyr er rekke unike og innovative filmer.

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